Cocos Component Circular Reference 警告

用之前 Unity 經驗在寫 cocos 元件的時候遇到一堆警告,搞了老半天才發現是怎麼回事

當有繼承 Component 的類別互相引用對方,其類別屬性是對方類別且宣告成 @property(),可能就會發生以下錯誤


 [Scene] Found possible circular reference in "pack:///mods/fs/0/assets/MyComponentB.js", happened when use "MyComponentA" imported from "./MyComponentA" Error
 [Scene] You are explicitly specifying `undefined` type to cc property "_a" of cc class "MyComponentB".
 [Scene] Please specifiy a default value for "MyComponentB._a" property at its declaration:


// MyComponentA.ts
import { Component, _decorator } from 'cc';
import { MyComponentB } from './MyComponentB';

const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

export class MyComponentA extends Component {
    @property({ type: MyComponentB })
    private _b!: MyComponentB;


// MyComponentB.ts
import { Component, _decorator } from 'cc';
import { MyComponentA } from './MyComponentA';

const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

export class MyComponentB extends Component {
    @property({ type: MyComponentA })
    private _a!: MyComponentA;

將其中一個類別另外寫一個 interface,@property 的型別改成 Node,再用 Node.getComponent(className: string) 的方式去取得對方元件即可

在 MyComponentB.ts 加入


export interface IMyComponentB extends MyComponentB { }

MyComponentA.ts 修改為


import { Component, Node, _decorator } from 'cc';
import { IMyComponentB } from './MyComponentB';

const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

export class MyComponentA extends Component {
    @property({ type: Node })
    private _bNode!: Node;

    private _b: IMyComponentB | null = null;

    get b(): IMyComponentB {
        if (this._b == null) { this._b = this._bNode.getComponent('MyComponentB') as IMyComponentB }
        return this._b;